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Recent reviews on Yably

Maria Canto 24.03.2024
I have very mixed feelings about this medical centre. Have been coming here since my kids were little for the odd simple treatment of colds or virus, nothing too serious. It's close, local and they bulk bill. There are your good doctors and then there are others who are quite rude. They expect you to keep your appointment time but if they are running late, they will rush you in and out sometimes making you forget to ask them relevant questions. Today i was gobsmacked with one of the regular doctors i see. A few days prior i had arranged for 2 patient appointments for myself and daughter. I arrived on time and i had 3 simple issues re my daughter and 1 for myself. We were both seen within 10mins because the doctor cut me off asking a 3rd question regarding my daughter. He said i have too many questions and needed to make another appointment to have my third question answered re my daughter. I was mortified. His explanation was that i should have arranged for a long consult and had to pay $200+ because they bulk bill and they should only have to treat one issue per consult. I call that laziness and money hungry!! For that much money i would have gone to WISE (which i highly recommend for medical emergencies) and be seen by a prof doctor and have scans done all in the one place. This was news to me!! In my defense, they have already charged medicare for 2 patient visits and confirmed by the receptionist we are entitled a maximum 15 mins per patient. i was in the room no more than 10 mins for the both of us. I felt so shut down .... So i now have to waste more of my time making another appointment (with another doctor at the centre). I am on the hunt to find a better medical centre in the area. Pretty much over this one!

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